
Friday, December 27, 2019

Analysis Of Chinua Achebe s The Flies - 1483 Words

Where Dangarembga diverges from Achebe, is that, while Achebe leaves Okonkwo and his yams king, free to rule over his wives without consequence to their well being, Dangarembga depicts the father figure’s unimpeachable authority as an oppressive element for both Tambu and her cousin Nyasha. Thus, Dangarembga adheres to the template by including its plot, but enters into dialogue with its politics. Nervous Conditions accepts the existence of a unified pre-colonial culture, it also depicts a shift from this culture to a post colonial setting of the mission school. Again, Dangarembga’s novel differs in its politics from Achebe’s in its conclusions of both traditional and post colonial life, it sees the presumption of women as subservient to men as an issue with both communities. This difference between Achebe and Dangarembga can likely be attributed to their different motives in writing. As aforementioned, Achebe was seeking to remind his peers of the value of anc horing the values of government in the morality of traditional rural life, whereas Dangarembga was seeking to build a place in African literature where young girls could find themselves. As described in an interview, Tsitsi talks about why she created characters which young girls could identify with. In the interview Dangarembga describes having felt a lack of both familial and Zimbabwean history, and states that a goal for her novel was to â€Å"leave a very real taste of life during the times† that she grew up in. ItShow MoreRelatedOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words   |  656 Pageslamentable. Taken together, the key themes and processes that have been selected as the focus for each of the eight essays provide a way to conceptualize the twentieth century as a coherent unit for teaching, as well as for written narrative and analysis. Though they do not exhaust the crucial strands of historical development that tie the century together—one could add, for example, nationalism and decolonization—they cover in depth the defining phenomena of that epoch, which, as the essays demonstrate

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Essay about Crime - 876 Words

Crime nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;In general the definition of a crime is an act punishable by law, usually considered an evil act. Crime refers to many types of misconduct forbidden by law. Crimes include such things as murder, stealing a car, resisting arrest, possession or dealing of illegal drugs, being nude in public , drunk driving, and bank robbery. Crime is an act that has been timeless and has been committed practically since the start of time. For example, ever since Cain killed his brother Abel (B.C.), people being charged with witchcraft in the 1600’s, prostitution, to the current crimes of modern day(A.D.). Even though crime has existed throughout time it has progressed and branched out taking many types forms.†¦show more content†¦Crimes are frequently classified according to their seriousness as felonies or misdemeanors. Generally, felonies are more serious than misdemeanors. Under the federal criminal law system, felonies are crimes for which the punishment is death or imprisonment for more than a year. A misdemeanor is punishable by a fine or by imprisonment for less than a year. In most states persons convicted of felonies are sent to state prisons, while those guilty of misdemeanors serve their sentence in city, or county jails, or correction houses. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Crimes against people include assault, kidnapping, murder, and sexual attacks. Such crimes usually bring severe punishments. Crimes against property include arson, automobile theft, burglary, embezzlement, forgery, fraud, larceny, and vandalism. In most cases, these crimes carry lighter penalties than the crimes set against the person. Robbery is the crime most difficult to classify. The law considers robbery a crime against the person or against the property, according to the case. Robbery may involve simply stealing property from another person, but when a personal encounter occurs between the robber and his victim, it may include violence and bodily harm. This usually occurs during muggings or other strong-arm robberies.Show MoreRelatedCrime, Crime And Crime1551 Words   |  7 Pageslarge and dramatic drop in not only its victims of crime but also the amount of crimes that have been reported to the local police, even though this community already has extr aordinary low crime states. The crime states in Lowville show a huge fall across all different levels of crime; this includes a 12.2 per cent drop of criminal damage offences and a 12.8 percent drop in drug offences. Moreover, they have also seen a fall in the statistics for crimes such as robbery, this has dropped by 7.5 per centRead MoreCrimes And Crimes Of The Crimes945 Words   |  4 Pages Crimes can be committed by everyone. The brutality of the crimes has increased throughout the years while the age of criminals is younger than prior criminals who committed the same crimes. Innocent lives are often lost in these acts of violence, such as what had happened at Columbine. Children who commit malicious crimes can either be tried as a child or an adult. Children tried in the juvenile courts are able to get out of jail around or before they turn 21. Juvenile courts are meant to rehabilitateRead MoreThe Crime Of Crime And Crime1180 Words   |  5 PagesCrime is everywhere. It dominates news broadcasts and newspapers. It also takes up the majority of television shows and movies. As well as a great deal of fiction novels and books. Controlling and fighting crimes are essential for the safety of citizens. Also the credibility and power of a government are affected greatly by how they handle crime and deal with criminals. When a crime takes place, the part that fascinates peo ple the most is how the offender is captured and brought to justice (NathanRead MoreCrime : Crime And Crime1688 Words   |  7 Pagesdetermined that a crime is committed every second a day. Given the data by the FBI’s crime clock, a violent crime such include murder, robbery, rape and assaults occurs every 23.9 Seconds in the United State. Property crime including burglary, theft, and motor vehicle theft every 3.4 seconds a day. 55% of Americans say crime is an extremely or very serious problem in the U.S. Another 38% view the U.S. crime problem as moderately serious, while one in 20 consider it not serious. Crime has increase inRead MoreCrime : Crime And Crime1059 Words   |  5 PagesLarge or small, crime affects us all. Whether it is presented to you on a personal level, or you happened to have heard it one the news while you and your family were enjoying a nice Sunday meal. In the words of Jeff Mariotte â€Å"Crime touches us all† (Mariotte, Jeff P1). This is sh own to us in the popular television series Criminal Minds because of the way the producers and show writers portray the act of crimes as well as the accuracy of the crime, the inside look of what is going on in the criminals’Read MoreCrime Is A Crime And Crime999 Words   |  4 Pagescommits a crime, the immediate response from the public is that they deserve a punishment for their crime. Some of the crimes that offenders act upon range on the spectrum: from a minor crime to a major crime. When an offender commit a minor crime it is known as a misdemeanor and the punishment consists of a year or less in county jail. However, for a serious major crime, offenders are charged with a felony which includes a punishment of a year or more in prison. Additionally, the lowest crime is anRead MoreCrime And The Crimes Of Crime Essay1949 Words   |  8 PagesAccording to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (2006) crime is defined as â€Å"an offence punishable by the State on behalf of the general public whose standards do not permit the offending behaviour.† Whilst countless studies have been conducted over the years surrounding crime and the committing of crimes by individuals’, there has also long been debate surrounding whether or not crime is gendered and if so, to what extent. Over the decades a number of studies have been conducted in order to answerRead MoreCrime : Crime And Crime2447 Words   |  10 PagesCrime has always existed in some shape or form. However, the question about how crime much crime exists has always been the source of some discrepancy. Knowing how much crime exists at certain points in time is very important to law enforcement, criminal justice researchers, politicians and other public officials. Being able to measure the amount of crime allows the creation and tracking of crime trends. This allows those concerned with crime trends to better adjust their tactics or methods inRead MoreThe Rise Of Crime And Crime972 W ords   |  4 Pagesfor example, both victimisation and authorised crime presented specifically sharp drops from 2007 to 2009, when being without a job rates ascended. Robbery, burglary, and household theft oppressions had been dropping by a rate of about 4% per year from 1993-2006, but fell by an ordinary of 6 to 7% per year for the duration of the Great Recession. This is not for the reason that crime is distinct to economic situations, but for the reason that crime is correlated to so many other things. CriminologistsRead MoreCrimes And Crimes Of Children907 Words   |  4 Pages Crimes can be committed by everyone. The age of criminals have decreased as the crime committed increased in violence through time. Innocent lives are often lost in acts of violence, such as what had happened at Columbine. Children who commit malicious crimes can either be tried as a child or an adult. Children tried in the juvenile court systems are able to get out of jail around or before they turn 21. Juvenile courts are meant to rehabilitate children who are said to be too young to understand

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Operating Plan Essay Example For Students

Operating Plan Essay OPERATING PLANADMINISTRATIVE POLICIESReceiving orders for mealsTransactions at the Home Cookin restaurant will be done in a very simple, yet effective manner. In the store there will be a counter with an electronic cash register. All sales will be rung up using this register. Cash transactions will be the simplest and most straight forward. Customers wishing to pay with check must have identification. Visa, MasterCard, and American Express are expectable credit cards but must be verified first. Paying the supplierThe suppliers will not be paid in cash. Our corporate office instead will pay them within 30 days. Inventory ControlInventory will be taken every Sunday and Wednesday night. The goal is to have the least amount of inventory left over as possible. BudgetsCompany budgets for all expense items will be monitored by corporate. Travel, phone usage, entertainment and other expense items may only be used for company related activities by the Managers. It is the responsibility of corporate to make sure these expenses do not exceed the amount budgeted by for each account. Security SystemsSonitrol security systems will be on during all closing hours. Cash will be secured through daily deposits in addition to keeping less than $200 in the cash drawer at all times. RISK ANAYLSISSales ProjectionsIf sales projections prove wrong we will take immediate steps to evaluate the cash flows, cut expenses and propose a new adjusted projection for sales. CompetitionThere is much competition within the area of Muncie. If these competitors made an attempt to destroy our market place or initiate a price war, we would take the following actions:-Emphasize uniqueness through advertising and promotions-Lower prices too comparable price of competitors items. -Negotiations with competition. Management ProblemsIf problems with management were to arise, the corporation would need to access the problem and determine a solution. Steps to be taken would include warning, probation period, or termination.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The Merchant Of Venice - Antonio Essays (1011 words) - Orientalism

The Merchant Of Venice - Antonio The Merchant Of Venice - Antonio Antonio is a wealthy merchant in the city of Venice. Although central to the play, Antonio is portrayed by Shakespeare as an 'outcast'. It seems that Antonio is chronically depressed and is not involved in the social atmosphere that is thriving in Venice. - "In sooth, I know not why I am so sad: It wearies me; you say it wearies you; But how I caught it. Found it, or came by it, What stuff 'tis made of, whereof it is born, I am to learn:"1 Along with Shylock, both men seem bitter and have difficulty in expressing their emotions. On many occasions friends, such as Salerio and Bassanio have questioned his sadness, trying to find an explanation for their great unhappiness with themselves and with the world. - Salerio: "But tell not me: I know Antonio Is sad to think upon his merchandise.2 Antonio: "Believe me, no: I thank my fortune for it, My ventures are not in one bottom trusted, Nor to one place; nor is my whole estate Upon the fortune of this present year: Therefore, my merchandise makes me not sad."3 Salanio: "Why, then are you in love."4 Antonio: "Fie, fie!"5 The mystery of Antonio's sadness remains, as he dismisses the prospect that his sadness is related to his ships or a lost love. Uninterested in the 'world' of suitors and marriage, Antonio is left without his lifelong companion, Bassanio after he travelled to Belmont to woo Portia. Early in the play another side of Antonio is revealed. Antonio is displayed as a hard cruel man, although a Christian, he displays hatred and contempt towards the Jewish race, usurers and especially towards Shylock. After kicking and spitting upon Shylock, Antonio shows no remorse or sympathy for the man he has abused. Antonio even goes to the point of saying that he would once more spit upon him and kick him like a stray dog. - "I am as like to call thee so again, To spit on thee again, to spurn thee too. If thou wilt lend this money, lend it not As to thy friends, for when did friendship take A breed for barren metal of his friend? But lend it rather to thine enemy; Who if he break, thou may'st with better face Exact the penalty."6 Many people would ask the question, why would someone in Shylock's position want to give anything to a person who has treated them as badly as Antonio? However, under the interest free bond that Shylock has created with Antonio lies a need for revenge so great that Shylock will do anything to take the life of Antonio. At the beginning of Act 3 the bad news of Antonio's ships, lost at sea is spreading around Venice. Jessica confirms that Shylock will be maintaining the bond that was created now that Antonio has no way of paying back the bond. - "When I was with him, I have heard him swear To tubal and to Chus, his countrymen, That he would rather have Antonio's flesh Than twenty times the value of the sum That he did owe him; and I know, my lord, If law, authority, and power deny not, It will go hard with poor Antonio."7 With the realisation that Antonio's death is imminent, Antonio, like someone with a terminal illness gives up all hope of survival. Most people would fight literally for their lives against Shylock, but Antonio had progressed beyond sadness and had lost his will to live. Antonio's immediate acceptance of Shylock's bizarre bond signals the secret 'death wish' that Antonio holds very close to his heart. Antonio's sudden wish to die, brought about through great sadness and loneliness is affecting Bassanio greatly, who takes responsibility for what has happened. - "Antonio, I am married to a wife Which is dear to me as life itself; But life itself, my wife, and all the world, Are not with me esteem'd above thy life: I would lose all, ay, sacrifice them all, Here to this devil, to deliver you"8 A moment of comedy is brought out after this speech through Portia (Bassanio's wife), posing as a Doctor of Laws. - "Your wife would give you little thanks of that, If she were by to hear you make the offer."9 During the courtroom scene Portia and Nerissa undertake their daring plan to save Antonio. As Shylock is preparing to cut Antonio's heart from his body, a death which by this time Antonio freely excepts Portia reminds Shylock of the intricacies of the bond he made with Antonio. Shylock must